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Great morning out for International Volunteers Day

05 December 2016
By Dan Gray
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Second campaign of conservation works at Newton gun emplacement took place this morning.

Peregrini volunteer Dan Gray has kindly written this summary of this morning's work...

"Perfect weather and the International Volunteers Day provided a good turnout of enthusiastic, friendly and like-minded “extreme gardeners” to help with the clearing and improvement of the area surrounding the Newtown gun emplacement, located a 10 minute walk up the coast from Bamburgh Castle Golf Club.

The site, which was previously completely overgrown by thick gorse has now been cut back and cleared providing excellent views of the bunker from down the coast, and beautiful vistas of Budle Bay and Ross Sands from within the WWII structure.

The work involved cutting back thick vegetation around the footpath to allow for easier access and a more pleasing approach, clearing away a substantial area of thick gorse which otherwise almost completely blocked the views from within the gun emplacement and also shrouded it from the footpath and beach below. In addition to vegetation clearing, 27 wheelbarrows full of sand, litter and debris were removed from the surrounding area, creating a much more pleasant setting.

All in all, the fine weather and midday snacks of (alcohol free) mulled wine, mince pies and homemade chocolate, whisky and marmalade cake made the morning both fun and rewarding."

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The Peregrini Lindisfarne Landscape Partnership Scheme is managed by a Partnership of professional and community representatives from Holy Island and surrounding shore side area. The lead organisation for the Scheme is the Northumberland Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Partnership, hosted by Northumberland County Council.